Personal Touch Holidays

Specialist Travel for Groups and Individuals

Specialist Travel for Groups and Individuals

01403 786200

Opening times: Mon-Fri, 9am - 5:30pm

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Group organisers

Personal Touch Partnerships

We value our relationships with group organisers enormously and delight in enabling them to realise their travel ambitions.

Over the years we’ve worked with an extremely wide variety of group organisers, ranging from enthusiastic travellers intent on arranging ‘the holiday of a lifetime’ for a group of friends or relatives, to highly experienced professionals in a variety of fields that promote events of various kinds for a living. We offer both ‘off the peg’ arrangements with fixed inclusions at a fixed pre-published price, and ‘tailor-made’ arrangements, to meet specific desires, needs, or budgets. We particularly relish a challenge, and enjoy nothing more than turning our travel skills and experience to something unusual. Our style of cooperation with group organisers can vary considerably from organiser to organiser. We are highly sensitive to the levels of control or guidance that our group leader partners are looking for and are more than happy to adapt ourselves to different ways of working. Our network of travel business partners quite literally covers the globe, our working relationship with some of them extending back well over a decade.

As our name implies, we are more than happy to ‘go the extra mile’ to ensure that each of our group organiser partners receives all the personalised attention that he or she might require in order to put together precisely the sort of travel arrangement they have in mind. Once we have understood exactly the sort of travel package that a group organiser is looking for we are also frequently able to make suggestions that might well further enhance the quality of their experience. This ability derives from our intimate knowledge of all the destinations that we work with. Quite simply, we only sell what we know, and if called upon to expand our range of expertise we respond with full energy in order to inform ourselves as fully as possible as soon as possible.

We believe that the longevity of our relationships with most of our group organiser partners points to our success in achieving this.

Amongst the many benefits that we offer to group organisers are the following:-

Time. We take all the time necessary to fully understand exactly what group organisers have in mind and are most happy to meet with them in person. We believe that time invested in the initial phases of getting to know one another and fully understanding one another’s expectations is of immeasurable benefit to any project. In order to meet with our aspiration of consistently exceeding people’s expectations we fully appreciate that time invested in understanding exactly what it is that has prompted them to contact us in the first place is of critical importance.

Availability. We are a small highly experienced team that is dedicated to the travel enjoyment of everyone that enters into any sort of arrangement with us. The last thing that we are is a characterless corporation entirely dedicated to serving our own needs. If we do have a need it is the need for a rewarding involvement in the successful realisation of a wide variety of travel projects. We must remain financially viable in order to be able to fulfill this need, but our main focus is consistently on our clients and their travel ambitions. Consequently, anyone that places their trust in us will deal with a specific travel manager from the moment the details of any arrangement are decided upon right through to the return of their group to the UK. That travel manager will remain metaphorically ‘at their side’ throughout the entire realization of the agreed-upon arrangements, dedicating themselves entirely to the holiday enjoyment of each and every group member.

Expertise. Over the course of over 20 years our team members have been responsible for the successful execution of group travel packages to four of the world’s five continents (Antarctica as yet untouched, except by cruise arrangements departing from Buenos Aires). They have arranged performance venues for country musicians in the USA, dance venues for sequence dancers in rural New Zealand, a charter flight into the depths of the Brazilian rain forests for a touring party of British lawn bowlers, and test match tickets in Australia for a group of cricket crazy friends on the Christmas trip of a lifetime. It has all been great fun and has all been enthusiastically embarked upon.

Independent advice. We have no particular axe to grind. We are not tied to any particular airline, nor any particular hotel chains. Neither are we owned by any larger concern that influences our decision-making. We are truly independent. That said, we do enjoy particularly strong relationships with a number of travel organisations that have assumed the status of preferred partners of ours over the years purely on the basis of the consistently high standard of their service provision. Equally, there are a number of organisations that we are less enthusiastic to work with on the basis of the poor levels of service that they have provided in the past to others.

Tailored travel. ‘Off the peg’ travel package purchases are frequently cheaper in terms of the initial costs presented but often fail to deliver exactly what is ideally desired and may also generate additional hidden or entirely unforeseen costs, both in financial terms and perhaps more importantly in terms of their value for money and their ability to deliver exactly what’s required of them. Moreover, irrespective of costs, nothing is quite as satisfactory as travelling from the airport that one wishes to the hotel that one has selected to enjoy the holiday content that one longs for delivered with a service skill provision that enables one to entirely switch off to worries and concerns.

Support. As travel facilitators we regard our primary role to be the offer of support to others in the realisation of their travel ambitions. This support begins at the planning and costing stage, during which Jonathan and his team are freely available to office advice and assistance. Once the details of an arrangement have been finalised one of our tight-knit family of highly skilled travel managers will support both the group organiser and potential group members throughout all the processes associated with the holiday. Overseas, dedicated and experienced Personal Touch team members, specifically assigned to a particular group, will offer round the clock support to all members of that group.

Personalised, tailor-made advertising flyers and personalised tailor-made travel booklets. Personal touches abound in the formulation of Personal Touch travel arrangements and these are two of the most obvious. In order to assist our group organiser partners in the advertising of their holidays we produce personalised, highly attractive, full colour, double sided A4 flyers, printed on high quality paper that can be distributed to potential group members or displayed on notice boards. If provided with names and addresses we are also happy to circulate these. Prior to travel we also distribute copies of tailor-made  full colour A5 tour booklets that will detail a large amount of travel information relevant to the holiday that has been arranged. These tailor-made tour booklets customarily contain a large amount of attractive imagery and are often held onto by holiday participants as treasured souvenirs.

Presentations. Nothing inspires greater confidence in a service than meeting face-to-face with the service provider, and for that reason we love to present what we do to relevant groups of people whenever possible. It keeps us very much in contact with our customers, enabling us to remain as ‘in tune’ with them as possible, and also introduces us to new potential users of our services.

Whether you habitually organise for groups of 20 or 200, or whether you’ve never before organised a group holiday of any kind, we’d love to hear from you to discuss the realisation of any group travel ambition that you may be nurturing, or that you may be thinking of realising at any stage in the future. The planning process for group holidays arranged with us frequently begins as far ahead as two years before departure.